Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Listen and Read The Easy Story

1. He Takes a Shower (Dia mandi)

2. He Gets Dressed (Dia sedang berpakaian)

3. He Eats Green Watermelons (Dia makan semangka)

4. He Buys Some Milk (Dia membeli susu)

5. He Waits for the Bus (Dia menunggu bus)

6. He Works in a Bank (Dia bekerja di Bank)
7. He Climbs Tall Buildings (Dia memanjat gedung yang tinggi)
8. He Reads the Paper (Dia membaca surat)
9. A Laptop and a Movie (Sebuah laptop dan sebuah film)
10. He Goes to the Lake (Dia pergi ke danau)
11. She Gets Ready for the Beach (Dia bersiap-siap ke pantai)
12. She Goes to the Pool (Dia pergi ke kolam renang)
13. She Makes Coffee (Dia membuat kopi)
14. She Makes a Salad ( Dia membuat salad)

15. She Goes to Lunch (Dia pergi untuk makan siang)
16. She Likes the House (Dia menyukai rumah itu)

17. She Sweep the Floor (Dia menyapu lantai)
18. She Washes the Clothes (Dia mencuci pakaian)
19. She Sells Mangoes (Dia menjual mangga)
20. She Plays the Piano (Dia bermain piano)
21. She buys a New Dress (Dia membeli baju baru)
22. She Is a Hard Worker (Dia seorang pekerja keras)
23. She Goes to Bed (Dia hendak tidur)

24. He Waters the Plant  (Dia menyiram tanaman)
25. He Pays the Electric Bill (Dia membayar rekening listrik)

26. He Studies Too Late (Dia belajar sampai larut malam)

27. He Is a Bus Driver (Dia seorang supir bus)
28. His School Secret (Rahasia sekolahnya)

29. His Imaginary Friend (Teman khayalannya)

30. He Is a Policeman (Dia seorang polisi)

31. What’s in the Boxes? (Apa yang terdapat di dalam kotak?)
32. Fish in the Aquarium (Ikan di dalam aquarium)

33. Many People Enjoy the Park (Banyak orang bersantai di taman)

34. A Good Book for a Rainy Day (Sebuah buku keren di musim hujan)

35. A Busy Museum (Musium yang ramai)

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